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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Step By Step Procedure to Use the Cauvery 2.0 Software? what are all the services it has?

The registration service in the Office of the Sub-Registration Officers in the passport model will be available from next year. Kaveri 2 technology has been developed for this. Already, the Chinchali in the southern and Gulabarga district has been implemented practically and has been successful. In the wake of this success, the full-scale Revenue Service can be available online in the state in the near future.

After the full implementation of Kaveri 2, the public will be available online at the almost registration process in the Office of the Deputy Registrar, including their property registry, marriage registration, aggregation registration, GPA implementation. This would be wrong for the public to wave to the Office of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Republic. Japi will work within the specified time limit, with the unrest that will cut corruption.

Kaveri 2.0 A demo link from this hardware has been released by the Revenue Department for Civilians as the continued wreath of the hardware. It may practically submit registration services in the offices of the Shinevi South and other sub-registration officers of the state of Karnataka, not the registration services at the offices of the Deputy Registrar of Chincho in the district of Gulabarga. We explained one by one as this lower bank for that.

First, the department’s Dry Run Saftware link: https://staging.kaveri.karnataka.gov.in/landing-page
As soon as we click on it, we go to the Revenue Department website. The department’s home page becomes available to us. There can be documents that have been registered so far and show the ravine that has come to the government as a whole.

How to get a register on this dry run saftware?
The department’s homepage corner has two links, the register and login, which we need to click on the link register.
Then we go to the Crete Account Page where our name, the Emile ID, the mobile number, select a Securuti query and answer it. Then type the given capcha and click on the register button your account detail will register. And your User Name and Password comes in the form of a message to your mobile number and eMail ID. It should be used to become a login.

Then the department’s Official Login Page becomes open. Enter the user name and password that you have come to it must be logged in. Then it asks you to enter the OTP. If you click Type 1234 because it’s demo software, the official page will be open to you. The main point in this is that here we can change the language into a mirror or English so that even the common people can get the service they need to do without any confusion.

How to submit our app to the adizator’s director who celebrated our application after being logged in?
After arriving at the official Page Open there is a link to start a new application, if click on it,
What are you applying for?
There is a message that select one of the services to continue. The choices there are.
1.Registration of document
2. Online EC
3.Certified Copy – (Online CC)
4.Marriage registration
5.Registration of the organization
6.Registration of letters of authority
Then you have to select the service you need and then submit our application to the adjudicator’s officer

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